The Firelord needed three things: a strong mind, a strong body, and strong fire. Ozai’s beliefs were twisted in a number of ways, but on this, Zuko agreed with him. If their nation’s leader looked weak in any area, the nation looked weak as a whole. Weakness meant distrust in the monarchy. It meant panic … Continue reading
Category Archives: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Momentous (Switched Powers, Chapter 2)
Aang’s eyes fluttered open. He tried to remember what happened in the past few moments. It felt like Appa had run headlong into him. He stared around him to try and orient himself, figure out what was going on. Zuko was lying on his back on the ground. That looked familiar enough. But now Katara … Continue reading
Zuko’s Backup (Switched Powers, Chapter 3)
The coronation ceremony itself became mostly a blur. The crowd loomed before Zuko, a mass of faces from Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, and even Water Tribe. He spoke to them as openly as he could, and shared with them his vision for a brighter future. Though, for the life of him, if someone would’ve asked … Continue reading
Punishment (Switched Powers, Chapter 4)
The day Azula’s powers were removed was not a day that Zuko had any intention to miss, no matter how lousy he was feeling. Toph, Katara, and Sokka joined in his excitement, practically counting the minutes as they waited for Aang to arrive in the dungeon. Mai had refused to come herself. Although Azula deserved … Continue reading
Secrets Exposed (Switched Powers, Chapter 5)
Zuko had several reasons to be irritated. First and foremost, against all his experience and arguments, Aang had decided to leave Azula with some of her firebending. Not much, he assured everyone, barely anything at all. Even the slightest sliver, Zuko thought, and she was just as dangerous as when she was at her full … Continue reading
Escape From the Palace (Switched Powers, Chapter 6)
Zuko swallowed, feeling the dry edges of his throat stick together. He couldn’t remember being this thirsty, not since the time he’d struck out on his own, away from Iroh. Azula knew how to deal with firebenders for sure, but she seemed pretty adept at making a waterbender just as miserable. Zuko shifted his arms … Continue reading
Lost Hope (Chapter 7, Switched Powers)
As they walked through the busy streets of the Fire Nation capital, Katara started to grow more and more concerned. There didn’t seem to be any logic behind where Zuko was walking. She let him take the lead for a while, figuring he knew these streets far better than she did, but when he only … Continue reading
The Researcher (Switched Powers, Chapter 8)
Katara woke up early the next morning to a child’s face staring a few inches from hers. “Wah!” She startled backwards. “What are you doing?” “Momma tolds me to watch you while she was gone.” “Oh.” Katara cleared her throat. So much for her plans to leave early. After the hospitality their hostess had showed, … Continue reading
Back Then… (Switched Powers, Chapter 9)
Ren spent the rest of the day packing up the tent for their trip. Katara offered to help a few times, but Ren insisted she “had a system” and didn’t want them meddling in it. It left Katara more than a little frustrated to have a major crisis on their hands and not much she … Continue reading
Heat and Life (Switched Powers, Chapter 10)
Packing up was easier the next morning. Partially because Zuko and Katara knew what to expect and also because Zuko’s bloodbending was much improved now that the moon was coming out again. They were fed and on the trail in half the time, which, in turn, put Ren in a better mood. Though she was … Continue reading