“Step this way, sir,” the grunt behind Brock said, ushering him into the room. “And have you decided which merger you would like today?” Brock held in a laugh. Holding him at gunpoint, forcing him into this lab of theirs, and now Team Rocket had the gall to ask which Pokémon’s DNA he’d like fused … Continue reading
Category Archives: Pokémon
Agent Fiora (Chapter 2, Mergers)
When Agent Fiora entered Team Rocket’s Pokémon housing facility, she found a flurry of assistants hard at work — mostly cleaning cages and mixing food. She gripped Absol’s harness and walked forward, her weak muscles quivering in protest. At least Pierce understood her, even if no other Rockets did. He knew better than to argue … Continue reading
A Quick Surrender (Chapter 3, Mergers)
Ash knew of no greater pain than watching a Pokémon suffer. Watching his Pikachu suffer was the worst pain of all. Team Rocket knew this; he’d demonstrated it many times before. Only now he was unfortunate to have it used against him. Passing through the Kanto region on a brief visit, Ash had been fortunate … Continue reading
The Thunderstone (Chapter 4, Mergers)
“This way,” Jessie said, motioning with her head, since her hands were a little bit full at the moment. James looked curiously down the hallway she had started towards and then back at the hallway he had been heading for himself. “Um, Jessie?” he asked. “I may be mistaken, but wasn’t the plan to bring … Continue reading
Revelation (Chapter 5, Mergers)
Delia’s son was a fighter, Giovanni would give him that. His two friends, former gym leaders, of all people, just needed a few weapons waved in their faces and they fell into line easily. Ash seemed to either be oblivious to what a gun was, an idiot who didn’t care, or a psychic who knew … Continue reading
Giovanni’s Offer (Mergers, Chapter 6)
Giovanni summoned Ash to his office a few days later. When the boy came, Giovanni noted he did not have the level of energy he had before. Oh, there was anger there, no doubt, but it was well-buried beneath a layer of hopelessness. The boy hated his situation and yet saw no way out of … Continue reading
Rebirth (Chapter 7, Mergers)
“Pika-pi,” Pikachu whined as it walked along the hallway. Or… was “Raichu” more accurate? Meowth shrugged. He didn’t even know what he himself wanted to be called, so far be it for him to criticize the electric rodent. “Pika-pi!” Pikachu said, more demanding this time. “Yeah, yeah, you wanna see your friend, I know,” Meowth … Continue reading
Aquafeles (Chapter 8, Mergers)
Giovanni strode purposefully out of the elevator onto the medical floor and right up to the nurses’ station. “Status report,” he barked. Behind the counter the Team Rocket doctor–he never did bother to learn the guy’s name–nearly leapt out of his chair. Giovanni watched with growing impatience as the man fumbled for a clipboard and … Continue reading
To Stay (Chapter 9, Mergers)
Fiora had been tempted to stay when Misty almost coaxed Aquafeles into the pool. A protective instinct, maybe. The little Pokémon was still her charge. But Misty was a water Pokémon expert and a gym leader, and Fiora was fairly confident she wouldn’t hurt the little creature, no matter what her feelings of Team Rocket … Continue reading
First Battle (Chapter 10, Mergers)
Fiora headed towards the elevator, Raven flapping close behind. As she waited for the transport to arrive, she paused in front of a mirror to smooth her electricity-frizzed hair and found herself frowning. Gawk… this uniform really isn’t practical for battling, she thought, tugging down the absurdly short skirt. Maybe it was time for a … Continue reading