Tenna’s Healing (Power Struggle, Chapter 23)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / Fanfiction

Tenna’s Healing (Power Struggle, Chapter 23)

Iroh wasn’t happy; Izumi knew it even without her bloodsensing skill. But unfortunately the decades spent mastering her bending also meant she got the added misfortune of feeling her son’s tension and fatigue, of feeling everyone’s, and not being able to do a blasted thing. For now, she could only lean into Kaja’s sturdy arm … Continue reading

The Fire Nation Honor League (Power Struggle, Chapter 30)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / Fanfiction

The Fire Nation Honor League (Power Struggle, Chapter 30)

Rina sat in class, rubbing her knuckles, hoping the action would stop her from outright wringing her hands in view of her classmates. How had everything gone downhill so quickly? Over the course of mere days, Lady Izumi’s bloodbending had been revealed, the former Firelord herself had been arrested, and something (she had no clue … Continue reading